Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Leader of the Pack (or Pride's Head Revisited)

Here comes the rain again... But it's all right, since yesterday was sunny and lovely, and the plants seem happy enough.

Mi familia is in town for a minute so that's a good thing. They came in yesterday in all the sunshine and lovliness and missed flying in this spate of June drear and that's even better. They came in to see my ma who is in a nursing home now. She couldn't have been more pleased to see everyone as they began to appear from behind the curtain that establishes the room as a double. Not that her visits with her lil Diva have not been delightful, but to see the room filled with three generations of Cardista women was special indeed.

Sure she still bared the trademark nails of the lioness from time to time, but at least this time they were painted a lovely L'oreal red called "Thrill".

However damp, may you have a thrilling day.


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