Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ain't it About Time?

Happy Thanksgiving! (Hope the turkey was tender...)
Happy Kwanzaa! (From umoja to imani...)
and a Blessed Christmas to you! (I hope your heart was/continues2b filled with great joy...)

What a year this has been!

From birthdaying in Brussels with Corinne Bailey Rae & dear east coast friends getting married [2/07], to fabulous college reunion [10/07] and dear west coast friends having twins [11/07] all that good stuff in the middle, like expanding soul & heart with my holy ghost crew and expanding my gift line over at .

And then there were the doctors & doubt & exhaustion...o my!

I'm looking forward to a new and lovely 2008:
Less gunk, less junk.
More gems, more gratitude, more grace...
New visions coming to pass...
More strength, better health...
Working way smarter & not harder...
Being less money silly & more money wise...
Far more peace, freedom & joy on the journey...

Of course, everything I pray for me I pray for you.

Whomever you & I vote for, I pray they do well by us. We deserve it. And I pray that our country can get its moral center [which seems to have been replaced with some format of gooey nougat] back.

Let's continue to pray for Israel, Jerusalem, Palestine...Darfur...the Katrina Survivors...and all of our men & women on the battle field.

In fact, let's just keep fervent in prayer until we see the healing, compassion and redirection this world needs.

And, while we're at it, let's stay in pursuit of discovering the part we have to play to bring this to pass.

all things green & great in 2008
to you & yours!!
