Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ain't it About Time?

Happy Thanksgiving! (Hope the turkey was tender...)
Happy Kwanzaa! (From umoja to imani...)
and a Blessed Christmas to you! (I hope your heart was/continues2b filled with great joy...)

What a year this has been!

From birthdaying in Brussels with Corinne Bailey Rae & dear east coast friends getting married [2/07], to fabulous college reunion [10/07] and dear west coast friends having twins [11/07] all that good stuff in the middle, like expanding soul & heart with my holy ghost crew and expanding my gift line over at .

And then there were the doctors & doubt & exhaustion...o my!

I'm looking forward to a new and lovely 2008:
Less gunk, less junk.
More gems, more gratitude, more grace...
New visions coming to pass...
More strength, better health...
Working way smarter & not harder...
Being less money silly & more money wise...
Far more peace, freedom & joy on the journey...

Of course, everything I pray for me I pray for you.

Whomever you & I vote for, I pray they do well by us. We deserve it. And I pray that our country can get its moral center [which seems to have been replaced with some format of gooey nougat] back.

Let's continue to pray for Israel, Jerusalem, Palestine...Darfur...the Katrina Survivors...and all of our men & women on the battle field.

In fact, let's just keep fervent in prayer until we see the healing, compassion and redirection this world needs.

And, while we're at it, let's stay in pursuit of discovering the part we have to play to bring this to pass.

all things green & great in 2008
to you & yours!!


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Living in a Corn Maze / Diva Variations

No, not cool and summer groovy like Frankie Beverly and Maze...

More like

why is it that every new and fabulous idea I have ends up taking up more and more space in my once divine domicile? I seem to remember a time when I could actually fling my arms wide in some place of the sun. Not now, lest my entire empire come a-clattering down like a nearly completed jenga tower after the swipe of a vengeful cat.

It's duskin down dark, people, so your DivaCardista needs to find her way to the City and back before Tyra has them skinny women flying through the air with the greatest of ease (and, of course, a relaxed face).

So as always, I wish you peace...and space!


PS: You really can't keep a good woman down!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

THG life / i feel for you...

Poor Marion.

I feel bad for her. To go so far, only to be dragged so far down.

The good news is, she is still young enough to rise from this scandal and do even greater things.

In fact she should be getting emails and phone calls of assurance from quite a few people who have been down the very same road she is travelling now.

Hugh Grant, Vanessa Williams, former President Clinton...and that cleptomaniacal actress who said she was stealing to get into character...y'all need to call Marion right about now. Tell her everything's gonna be all right afterwhile.


Did you hear? Chaka & yet another of Simon's favorites is gonna be in The Color Purple in 2008!

Now, to be honest, I had mixed feelings when I heard they were gonna be putting famous folk all up in the show, as if the show needed "fixing" or "hype" to sell it. As you know, your DivaCardista has seen the show and loved it already. But then I began to pray & it came to me: this might be a win win for all involved--the audience gets to see a perfectly lovely show AND some of their favorite stars, and the cast & crew get to keep their jobs [healthcare/dental/pension...] a bit longer, and the "star" folk get to strut their stuff in a whole new arena.

Ah, life gets better and better, does it not?

Fall Greeting Cards sale ends 10/13
don't sleep... :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Like Them Who Dream...

Happy Fall, y'all!

How's tricks? Hope all is well with you and those whom you love.

Aside from a brand new specialist milking me like Dracula's cow--let that image combo work on you for a moment or two--all is groovy like a ten cent movie. Plus, both lady doctor exams -- annual boob/cootch check -- came back normal. Thanks be to God!

Ladies, get your gear checked, ok? Promise? Ok. Good.

Yo, I was crazy on the fence about whether or not I should drop my mortgage money at Radio City last Tuesday. But that Concert was rich like grandma's gravy, so i would have been crazy not to.

After seeing the nicest liver doctor who has asked for the most plasma so far, it hit me, y'know? Like, is this living? Is this what I want to speak for me? And is there an award for most doctor visits in a year? Do I get some kind of prize for all of this skin popping and co-paying?

Or do I need to break out [or be clowned]?

So I began talking to my Savior, like, Lord what is up with this? This rut of a life that just five minutes ago was so ripe and bursting with promise? And, in a way that only God can, He sent me to a small church to pray and stretch my ears wide so I could hear Him good and clear.

He said, "you need to go see a Broadway show. like now." So I got up from the altar, jumped on the train and got off at 42nd & 8th.

As I approached Times Square en route to tkts, I see these three AfAm sisters, all fanning themself with Legally Blonde [funeral] fans.

Odd, right? I mean, big up to the PR folk over there to pull that deep from The Community!

Then four strides later I see three/four Latinas with the same hot pink paper fans.

Now, as my inner marketer is going, "what in the world...?", I am beginning to hear lots and lots of singing. In fact, I'm beginning to tunes!

My heart starts getting happy the louder and more decipherable the lyrics get because the Lord gave me my mandate to go see your first love, you need to go to Broadway on the very day of the annual Broadway on Broadway celebration! What?!?

The doing everythingbutperforming rut, the mourning for my Dad [two years ago this month] & good times past with my Mom [now in nursing home, two years] in our old house [sold, two years ago]...all kinda went *poof* as I stood in the middle of Times Square and joined a few thousand of my fellow citizens & theatre lovers in a rousing chorus of Greased Lightening.

I just got so light and happy. And if that were not enough, at the very end, they released the most colorful confetti you have ever seen. It just poured down like one big happy hippy dippy baptism.

And, believe me, my soul got drenched.

Once I got to the tkts booth, however, tiny wisps of sadness returned. This time for August Wilson. (Again.)

So after I finally decided to go head on and buy the tkts ticket for the excellent Curtains!, I went and ate happily at the Edison diner, where August sat, ate, ruminated and wrote some of the best text ever.

I won't go so far as to say that I felt August as I got my pre-matinee munch on, but your girl was feeling the Edison's way reasonably priced chicken on a bun. It was on point and had me feeling good all over again. I even ate my half pickle. (Yes, I got "The Deluxe".)

That was Sunday. And just two days later...mph mph mph!

Imagine a world where the carpets are so plush you could almost loose a shoe with each step, and then not miss the shoe until your foot hit cool & beautiful art deco marble.

Imagine a tribute to a history changing hero who, by stepping up to the plate & giving his very best ended up eternally elevating lives even though it cost him his own.

Imagine such a person with such posthumous inspirational power that voices from country to gospel to rap to rhythm and soul to classical thought it no less than an honor to share a stage for just one night...

If you can imagine this, you can begin to understand the supreme delight that was The Dream Concert!!

The Dream Concert, featuring just about every hot with the hotness vocal artist you can think of, was given as part of the fundraising mission to build the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial in Washington, D. C. So, not only was this a good reason to drop a benjamin or two, but the Concert itself was absolutely celestially wonderful.

And it was long.

Since your DivaCardista had a stockholders meeting in Harlem, USA in the am, then The Bloodening at noon, it was a long day's journey into night for your girl. Consequently when I got to my seat, I probably drifted off for a bit. Only to awaken to none other than Donnie McLurkin and the Boys/Girls Choir of Harlem opening the show.

So you know how high the bar had to have been with this as the opening act.

Then came Babyface. Then Santana. Then Bebe and Cece, Josh Stone, Garth Brooks, John Legend, Jessye Norman, Talib Kweli, Luda...

Crazy, right?

And as if all that were not enough, Mistra Stevie Wonderful himself came out to center stage. Lord have mercy! Then he had the audacity of bringing out our girl, India.Arie.

At this point I could have used one of those free pink fans they were handing out in Times Square. Or some straight up oxygen.

And to think: if I hadn't gone to that small church & jumped on that train or if I hadn't jumped off that downtown bus & cut through Rockefeller Center--if I hadn't jumped out of my rut-- I might have missed all of this.

Before the snow falls, I hope you check in with your first love.

fab fall sale 10-1 thru 10-13.
(don't sleep...)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Hey Mamasitas y los Papi Chulos,

Hope all is well on this 9/11 Day of Rememberance.

Wow. This is such a beautiful time of the year, but so much war talk and so much loss!

I almost can't believe Pavarotti is gone. But he was more than opera. He was all about music, no matter the genre. Peep these links if you think I lie. He was a baaad brother! Thank goodness for his legacy of excellence and passion.

In other news, this just in ...

from the up and coming writing genius of my most excellent pal Anthony--

... please tune in/TiVO/record/watch [and then email the producers and tell them how much you enjoyed]

[His] first written episode of the 2nd season airs [2 nite!!] Tuesday, September 11th at 8pm. Or 7pm if you're in the Central Time zone. Please check your tv guide or cable scroll for the ABC Family channel in your area. The episode is
entitled "The Peacemaker".

And don't we need some peace right about now! Peace upon Israel... Peace upon Jerusalem... Peace upon Louisiana... Peace upon Darfur and all of Africa... Peace upon Mississippi... Peace upon Pakistan... Peace upon Haiti... Peace upon India... Peace in the Middle East... Peace in the Northeast...Peace in the Midwest... Peace on Broadway, Bollywood and Hollywood, Father God... Let's have more peace-writers and peace-actors and peace-agents and, good God, peace-producers...Peace be upon these United States, O God... Let us be united in a heartfelt desire for peace... Peace for the women & for the men, Lord... Peace upon the elder and the babies, Father... Peace for our present and our future... Peace for where you live, dear reader...

Not just the absence of war, but real & lasting peace is what I pray for on this day.

And if on 9/11 you lost a loved one, friend, co-worker, neighbor or even a classmate from back in the day, your DivaCardista and the blessedstar cards family wishes you peace and God's comfort this day.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Drop that Beat / RIP

Just learned of the passing of definitive rhythm master Max Roach.

We thank you for your legacy of sound and dynamic style.

Peace and comfort to Daryl, Raoul, Maxine, Ayl and Dara and all of those who knew him well.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Lost in the Sauce

We are emerging, gently emerging, from too much "yes!" and o so little "no".

Too much "I'd love to/of course i'll join your group/.org/ministry/guild/board/initiative" which always blossoms into two subcommittees and three tacitly understood volunteer "opportunities"...each. (Add to that the nasty grind of *!%*&^# Medicaid for Mama ...ouch.)

Yes, honey. Had to turn off the TV and have us a good few plenary sessions with our own Divaself and prayerfully rediscover why we were clocking 12 and 14hour days with nary a poem nor a rewrite, neither sketch nor scribble to show for it!

"I'd love to..." What kind of love is this? that doesn't include you!

In short: re-discovering & then minding the business of my life just came off the back burner, baby.

As La Bassey tells me daily and even now as we speak, "we've got a lot of living to do!" which is hard to accomplish if you are always hunkered down in this war room or t'other thrashing out best practices and language and politics and ...well ...essentially ... crap that has little or nothing to do with why you were sent to this Glorious Orb in the first place.

Saying clear, firm yet loving "no, i won't go with you to the second crime scene" enough times has begun to save my mind, rescue my creativity and wrest my divine energy from the hands of those who, with my good will, ample help, generosity and permission, are & have been getting their goals accomplished beautifully...while mine founder.

Now your DivaCardista is not regretful of anything we've done, nor are we blaming or anti-anyone with whom we've journeyed toward their goals. Not at all. (Matter of fact, when we get our wind back, probably be ready f'more ...but not until. And, certainly, not as much or as often...)

Because, after all, it's not been all bad, we've learned a lot, o my how we've grown ...blah blah blah...

Just ready to get it started over here, is all I'm sayin', where I stay, where I revel and domineer, once again re-balanced and back on track and before this beautiful, dangerously steamy, longed for summer becomes memory.

Not even saying you haven't heard this before, but because it can happen so stealthily and, over time, repeatedly, this giving and renting out pieces of you and your passionate, delicate self, I write today.

And if this helps you even a bit, holla atcha grrl DivaC.


Thursday, August 02, 2007

in the heat of heat

chillin with some way superonionated guacamole & rob base (it takes two).

had killer workout with personal trainer & am seriously rockin the k turn in the land they call brooklyn. mercy me! turn up the thermostat & the brooklynites will really show you where it's at...and where it ain't.

For instance: in other parts of the planet, when you say double parked, you usually mean that there are two cars temporarily parked parallel to one another about five/six inches apart, thus making the driving area left that much more narrow. But in The Land They Call Brooklyn, double parking really means

you shouldn't even be stepping to me talking bout no mofo driving school and raggedy &^% law, imma stop where i please and today me and my friends happen to want to stop dead in the middle of the road. Now run tell dat!
Ah, life...

Saw a brother on the train eating an open faced wish sandwich. (Whole grain.)

Saw the chocolate thunder and the cinematic wonder that is Don Cheadle in his latest, "Talk to Me". This film is a triumph. Not just because it is so very excellent--from casting to cinematography to Blanchard's sound design--but because it is so rare that we get to see such a range of African American talents showcased on the big screen. Yes, there is quite a bit of language and some sexuality, but the story is what is featured here, not a bunch of profanity and sweat masking weak storytelling. Quite the opposite. It is funny, touching and provocative.

Check it out.

Stay hydrated in these August days of much hotness.


Thursday, July 19, 2007


if you want the chance to do something GREAT for public school kids, the fab-u organization ,which was "conceived [by Charles Best] in the cafeteria of a Bronx public high school", is for you!

They are trying to win millions for our kids--and here's where you [American Express Card holders] can help:

Last week, we made the Top 50 of the American Express Members Project. Now we’re in the Top 25, and it’s time to vote once more.
You are critical to winning up to $5 million for public school classrooms, so please vote now for our submission:
"Teachers Ask. You Choose. Students Learn."
If you voted last week, your vote this round will take about 30 seconds. If you’re voting for the first time, registration will take a couple minutes and you can refer to these
simple instructions.
This round of voting ends in tomorrow. On behalf of the thousands of schoolchildren whom you could impact, thank you for
voting now.

Charles Best and the DonorsChoose Team

P.S. Please reply to this email with the word "Yes" so that we can thank you for voting. We will not email you again unless we make it to the Top 5 finals.

P.P.S. Please forward this email to all your friends, asking them to vote for us at this critical moment!
Vote for our children.
Be the "citizen philanthropist" you were born to be.
Pray for peace.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

summer movies!!

Hey there!

Just a midday holla to let you know that you really should see the fantastical animated gem that is Ratatouille!

No, you don't need to have Michael's Ben as your ringtone to be into this kind of film.

While it is rather photo-realistic, shall we say, about all things rodential, Ratatouille is hysterically reverential about what it takes to really pursue your heart's truest desire.

And, Lord have mercy, if Paris-centric humor makes you smile and/or if you can at least scramble an egg, you should have seen this twice by now.

What a beautiful & funny grown up animated film.

And, before it leaves your DivaCardista's mind, do rent/find Surf's Up. That's another bit of animated genius that's way better than you will have anticipated.

Pray for peace.


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

it's hard to keep a good woman down

i'm here jammimg to classic Queen Latifah [and her "European partner"] & thanking the good Lord for a good breeze in a week noted for its 90+ degree weather. Whooeee.

taking a break to holla bout the happy phenomenon that I've noticed in my heavy Broadway viewing of late--

sisters are holding it down!

from Tonya Pinkins to Angela Landsbury and Marian Seldez to Fantasia (by way of Oprah), whether it's magical thinking you're after or if you just need it to rain real bad since, after all, it's 110 in the Shade, it's a sister thing happnin on the great white way.

Welcome into my Queendom, come one come all...

110 in the Shade
when we found our seats at Studio 54 last week to see "110 in the Shade", we could barely contain ourselves whenever Diva Audra McDonald spoke, much less sang. mercy. the cast is excellent, but Audra is extraordinary. really.

spring awakening
one of the few reasons to sit through the too many Tony Award-winning teen sex / masturbation musical set in bad old Germany (so that makes it ok, right? it's all about the setting, after all...) is newcomer and LaGuardia Arts High School student Lilli Cooper. nice strong voice, good acting, and very pretty. she'll do well, i'm sure.

ok. i was clearly not in the demographic intended for this show, as i spent many a moment looking as far away from the dead center stage action--eww--as possible...but, i did actually appreciate [well deserved Tony winner] bill t jones' choreography/stage movement, and the set design, and, shoot, the costumes, and, dare i say it, even the performers, just not the "eww" factor that had the teens & tweens totally enraptured, titillated [as Chester Himes would say] and absolutely giddy. how do i know this? we could hear them giggling during the sexual scenes and stomping and hooting during the tremendous applause, especially at show's end.

this very same factor, by the by, had the other half of the audience--we who are nobody's prude but just don't necessarily need to see a teenage boy lose his whole hand inside of a teenage girl to get the fact that they are finna "do it", as twere--leaving the theatre as swiftly as possible at show's end, making eye contact with no one as if to say, let us never speak of this again.

made me wish i had Tyler Perry on speed dial. (Madea wda beat every child on that stage.)

the color purple
interestingly enough, my church sisters were down the street to see Ms. Fantasia in "The Color Purple" at the same time i was watching those intensely irritated girls sing well and frantically stomp about their mamas who bore them. go see this show! i've only heard amazing things about what Fantasia brings to an already fabu show.

grey gardens
dang. missed it. but not for lack of trying...

you want to have a fun evening of theatre? go see this happy hodgepodge of in-jokes, Monty Python references and sight gags. just go. you know you need a laugh. and Marin Mazzie is just pure-d funny. [of course, the d stand for Diva!]

and, speaking of divas...

radio golf
now, your DivaCardista initially went to see this piece because of our alumNoir hero pal and brilliant star Harry Lenox, but stayed significant part because this was August's last piece. I tell you, every time I see the Hotel Edison--where he took many a meal and wrote many a brilliant theatrical scene--I get all wistful. August was the man. (more about him in another post.) but radio golf stands well and is an excellent show. i wish Diva Tonya Pinkins had more to do, as she did in "Caroline, or Change" or even "Wild Party", but she takes the scenes that she has and, as always, works them well.'s a great time for theatre, y'all. whatever your flavor.

enjoy the day.


Thursday, June 28, 2007

throwing elbows & such

"Take 5 minutes to read this. It may save your life or love one's life.

Because of recent abductions in daylight hours, refresh yourself of these things to do in an emergency situation ..."

Have you gotten an email that starts like this? Well let me introduce you to

snopes is your friend, people. If you have recently received "Nine Tips" from one of your dear e-buddies, rather than throwing elbows and wallets at various perceived predators, peep the link.

As always, snopes will give you clarity and help you separate the wheat from the chaff.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007


just thought i'd take a break from prep for an end of the week vendor opportunity on Saturday--yay! but sheesh!--and say howdy y'all!

hope all is super well.

so glad it's summertime i don't know what to do!

love just throwing on a 1/4 lb. of cloth, grabbing my keys and a coupla Jacksons and out the door! now, that's what i call liberation.

speaking of which...

your DivaCardista finally got herself some wheels!

holla if you, too, are loving the SUV life! my initial intention was to get myself a sweet lil Toy-yota, but then this pretty lil SUV just caught my heart, let me tell you. Her name is Baybee. And, Lord have mercy, with all the pure-d stress that i have had to endure just to get something as quotidian as a doggone car, you would have thought I was trying to adopt an Eritrean orphan child! SO much we have gone through since last we spoke. Mph mph mph. but Baybee is mine now, tags and all.

now... all we need to do is learn how to park and rock the K turn without blemish or flaw. (Pray my strength!)

and, yes, they have finished mashing my insides around and draining off my life fluids for a while because--yay!--they didn't find a n ything rare or terribly disturbing going on inside. Thank you Lord!

now we just have to make our annual LadyDr. appointments and we will be straight re: the medical professionals in my life.

oh, and I joined a gym! the Good Lord built one right on the corner, as in: no matter what i do in the neighborhood i have to pass it anyway, so i may as well git in where i fit in...before i can't fit no more (clothes, furniture, public/private transport...)

got me a trainer and everything.

now how blessed is that?

now, you take care of your lovely self as well, ok? promise?



Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Mira! Usted necesita ver "In The Heights"!!


(it's a lotta slashes coming, ok? but it's just on...)

If you have to wear a Starbucks patch for the next month, do it. If you have to miss the next sale at SYMS/Barneys/BabyPhat/Modells, do it. If you have to make eyes at the tkts salesperson, mami/mi'ijo, do it. Do whatever you have to do to see this hot with the hotness musical play.

Yes, I went to see it initially because my Diva girlfriend is in the show and your DivaCardista was reaching the unspoken limit on how many times you can tell another Diva

I'm coming to see your show soon,
fa reeah doe...

--and this past Sunday was the "due date" for soon--so, yes, I went because of my friend, but I stayed because

********"In The Heights" is hot to death! *********


Who should/must see this show:

If you are under the age of 95, you should see this show.

If you are under the age of 45, you really should take your peeps to see this show.

If you have ever watched the Puerto Rican Day parade [on TV]....

If you like hip hop even a little bit...

If you are kinda nice on the mic...

If you got the essence of "West Side Story" & "Soul Food" &...

If, whenever you see "Meet Me In St. Louis", you think: what would that be like con Dominicanos...

If you have/had an abuelita...

If you took Spanish in the seventh grade...

If you live/have ever lived or even been above 96th Street...

If you have ever been walking down the street and, seeing somebody spinning on his head on a cardboard box mashed flat, stopped to watch [in awe]...

If you can get down with some pan dulce and arroz con pollo even though your people are from Roanoke, Virginia...

If you are a classically trained dancer with a booty...

If you sometimes stand transfixed at the beauty of a NYC bridge at twilight...

If you are yet and still looking for the perfect beat...

If you have ever attempted to pop and/or lock...

If you love musicals...

If you have a pulse...

If you've ever been in love...

If you vowed never again after seeing that poetic bait&switch barrage of expletives that had some of the city's biggest reviewers all in a lather while you wanted to wash your mind with soap, all the while wishing that someone would one day be bold and skillful enough to unite hip hop & theatre...

If you haven't seen a show in a while because no one seems to tell you/show you anything new and if you see/hear about one more all white revival you swear you may commit a crime, go see this show.

Your heart will thank you.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tilapia & Me (a fish tale)

Just after I bless my food, I hear this raspy little voice:

"Don't get the coffee. It's 2.25."

Excuse me? I ask, as I am not only a tea lover but currently have a 14 inch tall glass of water in front of me. I am neither thinking nor drinking coffee.

She was a small woman with shocks of amber hair styled in a small sea of tiny swirls. She wore a London Fog trench coat. She looked frail.

"Now, I don't even know if you like coffee," she began, "but Dunkin Donuts has good coffee." She pauses for emphasis, looking disgustedly at her narrow brown mug. "And you're certainly not gonna pay 2.25 for it." She lowers her voice two more decibels while covering her mouth with the margharita menu. "Can you believe this place? Now, my shrimp were delicious, with the baby spinach, but 2.25 for this? I could see 1.50, 2 bucks, but 2.25? Come on..." she said, clearly indicating not only the crime & the cup, but the very incredulity of it all.

"I asked for another piece of garlic bread...fifty cents! I mean..." she trailed off. "Thank God water is still free." We both had to laugh. "What'd you get?"

Tilapia, I said. It's on the Weight Watchers menu. Three grams of fat.

"Oh," she said. "Fish."

It's spicy, but nice.

"Oh yeah? Mine was good too, except I didn't have near as much shrimp as I'd like. What can you do. Everything is more expensive these days. But my shrimp was good."

I began to eat again. She stood to leave a tip and button her coat. She smiled wistfully.

"You have a nice evening. It was nice talking to you."

You too, I said.

"And be sure to try the Duncan Donuts coffee."

I will I said. I will.

Single Divas eating solo: 1
Lonliness: zip

(And may you also eat good in your neighborhood this rainy spring day.)

5/13 is right around the corner...

Monday, April 23, 2007

85 Degrees?!? Shut up...!

OK, so the "shut up" part doesn't look so great all printed out, but...

I just want to celebrate the first proper sunny Monday of Spring!

And I want to say how happy, awed and proud we are that the
courageous Viginia Tech students are making their way back
to campus.

May we continue to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.

Have a great day.

clik da link for the
Mother's Day Sale
this week!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (so hold on)

Ok. Quick howdy do to you! Now for some quick old/new stuff right off the dome:

  • Not only is it not raining -- I mean, I get the whole "May Flowers" connection, but c'mon! -- it is SUNNY on this here mornin! Whooeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  • If you ever get the chance, make your way to see La DIVA, "the original DreamGirl", our Ms. Sheryl Lee Ralph's opus Sometimes I Cry. Oh my goodness. You will not regret it. It will make you rethink your position on all things political and deeply personal when it comes to AIDS. And, yes, you will laugh and cry. If you think you love the Diva Artiste that Ms. Sheryl is, wait till you sit and spend some time with the ACTIVIST she has allowed herself to become. Radiant, charming, and catalytic.

    And get the t-shirt. She designed it herself. Now THAT'S a Diva.

    Let's see... what else...
  • For my sisters on the journey with DivaCardista [brothers too, if you really want to "get" us fabulous Diva gems] please read Showing Mary by the inimitable, witty, for real, down-by-law Bible Scholar, educator, sister girlfriend Renita J. Weems. She, too, is a radiant revelation not to be missed.
  • And my taxes --thank you Mr. Govemint Man for the "Biblical Rain" extension!--are DONE. Thank you Lord!!
  • OK. Now I gots ta see my "That's So Raven".
    but before i go...

For all the sad and lonely, deep and misunderstood folk reading this:

  • pleaseplease live like a Millionaire and phone a friend when you feel like you can't take it anymore. Skip the gunshop and
  • find yourself a good church home,
  • find yourself a compassionate counsellor,
  • find somebody to listen to you and give you blessed, uplifting counsel.
  • Pray! That's why God is t/here, just to hear and help us. [And He's open 24hrs...]
  • Read a good book and share what you read with somebody. Un/fortunately the days of instant friendship pretty much gets phased out after the first few days of Kindergarten. And then each & every one of us therefore are charged with the mission of finding and making friends.
  • Go to the library and read up on how people make friends.
  • [No, everyone else is not conceited, stuck up, stupid, fake, a liar, or a skanky backstabber. It just seems that way sometimes. And if we are, well...pray for us and then give us a wide berth until we grow into our better selves.]
  • Making a few good genuine friends is not impossible, though it is hard sometimes. So en route to finding flawed but actually good people [which is most of the planet] do
  • learn to love your wondeful self while you are on the friendship journey.
  • Develop your skills which help people and bless the planet, whether that's in sports, business, the arts, or something brand new. But the very least,
  • promise yourself that today [& tomorrow] you will live if only to honor you and
  • hold on... know the rest.

    And you know why.

    I just pray that we all can do our best to

    stay peaceful and evergreen.

    Make Ma Happy on 5/13
    Order your Mother's Day Cards
    while supplies last...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Roscoe Lee Browne?!?

Awww, man!

We are sad to know that this Thespian Most Royal has gone from our sphere.

Didn't you just love him as The Voice in "Babe"?

Especially as a classically trained performing artiste in this gloomy era of
Eat That Bug, M@#%$#&^*#@*!
entertainment, your DivaCardista loved to be able to look to him
every so often to bring that certain grace and dignity to performance,
be it comedy, dramedy, tragedy or whatever-dy.

Aww, man.

Right about now in this era of violence, confusion, embarrasment & shame,
war for no reason, "truth" played back as "treason", and random greasy
nakedness that reveals nothing, we could use a few more like him.

Brother Roscoe, we miss you already.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

just so you know...

While your DivaCardista controls many things...

the interesting folk just above who claim that

they can help you access wealth, love, riches, fame, glory & a sparkling credit report if you just breathe through your authentic self and beleeeeeeeeev and buy their four step program of superdedupernatural healing for just $99.95...


just so you know...

that ain't me, y'all.
by the by

ain't no secret
to what
Jesus can do...

free of charge.

live in peace y'all.


PS: except for the worship song lyrics link. that's looks pretty cool! check that one out!!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Viva la Saved Sisterhood!

Just came back from a wonderfully clarifying, energizing, catylizing and empowering women's conference with my church sisters and all of our good girlfriends from across the country and around the world. Mmm mmm mmm! Just so great to get away and worship Jesus & study His word and challenge ourselves anew to manifest His great goodness all over this here terrestrial ball.

In fact, one of the super duper highlights/manifestations of the weekend journey [as in the best antidote for all talk and no action making for empty worship and a meaningless spiritual walk every so often punctuated/interrupted by ersatz "holy" calisthenics, holla if you feel me] was when your DivaCardista joined with her sisters in the gorgeous ballroom of the Philadelphia Marriott to raise over 60 thousand dollars for the deliverance of our sisters caught up in the absolute horror and shame that is Darfur.

60K+! Now how meaningful & truly awesome is that?

Blessedly, the Co-Pastor of my church is a long time friend and colleague of the Co-Pastor of Bethel AME Church in Boston (as well as a pediatrician at the South End Community Health Center). Her name is Rev. Gloria E. White-Hammond, M.D. The organization we were blessed to join our faith and financial resources with is hers and it is called

My Sister's Keeper

Check them out and make a donation. It will do your heart & soul good.

Enjoy this April day and may your Holy Week be blessed.

need a lovely lil Easter card?
buy 1 and get 1 free, girlfriend!
just stop by the site by 4/4/07,
and mention code lilDIVA4easter.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Bowlegged Lu...[pus]?

"Please God, I've got enough character today...." --Oprah (one rough morning)

OK. So this week has been much to do about my immune system. And lots of blood spun. And well paid medicos going hmmm...

You know, like when Grandpa Simpson has the other old guy's beard caught in the pencil sharpener? Or when Lisa gets gum stuck in her hair?

It's been like that, kinda.

Or like doing a tap solo to "Put on a Happy Face", while some mean kid/stage manager is throwing pebbles/marbles at your feet.

We go for...*sigh*...more testing on Tuesday.

But, thank God for God & our sweet friends & the Internet. (Mostly God.)

Oh, snap. Are they sure? Oh...they think this is what you got...hmmm... clik clik clik Well,you know we will be
praying for you, right? clik clik clik Oh, hey...
this site says Seal had that when he was a kid, and now he's singing his song loud and strong. Therefore, so will you.


Just like that time Oprah went bald from that bad perm and now
she got more hair than Mr. Andre know what to do with.
You are going to make it, you hear me?


God has not brought you this far to leave you. We will walk this walk, together,
ok? Don't you worry now...
"Don't cry, keep singing." —Bob Marley

Let's see what else...

Went straight fr Les Docteurs to my HairDo-ist, whom your DivaCardista did not tell as we do not need to carry on/to carry ourself as if we don't have an enormously blessed life and muchmuchmuch to be thankful for. (Thank you Jesus for LIFE!!)

As I waited [four hours?!?] to be washed/conditioned/greased/blown/singed/pressed/clipped/spritzed/curled/n/wrapped (you know, with those big giant colorful hair pins sold only in AfricanAmerica), I made myself busy reading all 78 new ways to wear patent leather, macramae & sunbeam yellow this season, not to mention the manymany ways to wear bronzer and/or drive my man wild. (Them fashion folk need to s t o p!)

Then I came home in the rainy darkness of the night and bought myself some sunbeam yellow daffodils.

Life is good.

Happy Spring, y'all.


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Don't Call it a Comeback

Dearest Ones, I have been blogging in my head now for about three months. And all of those "astral entries" were witty, refreshing and astoundingly prescient, not to mention on point. But for those of you who cannot beam into my head and dig the display on my soul's flatscreen, you will just have to trust me. You would have laughed until you cried while learning just a little more about this thing we call life.

Ah, me...

One of the high water moments for me last year was when I was charged to pre-pay for my mother's funeral, which included selecting and purchasing my mother's coffin and paying for the band who will play after the service. (Mind you: mother was then and, thankfully, is now yet alive. Marinate on that.) My high water mark thus far for 2007 was attending the breathtakingly lovely wedding of my best friend with whom I had gone to elementary school and junior high.

She is still a size 7. (You go, girl.) Now, I know, empowered Divas who are living golden and too blessed to be stressed yada yada yada should not be buying into the perpetual message that mere weight loss or weight maintenance is something we should be waving like a doggone flag...but on my planet it is kinda groovy being able to even hang with someone who has been the same size since seventh grade.

Let's see...what else? Oh, yes: it is positively Nordic up here in the City of AllThingsFabulous. 12 degrees this morning. Lord have mercy. Stayed in bed just about all day, watching Curious George and expanding my oevure. Just sketching and drawing all the livelong day. Readying myself for Spring, doncha know.

Had to go to Le Docteur yestiddy and, you know, when they sign you in they ask "occupation", we find that a bit frustrating, because DivaCardista is a multifaceted artiste, after all, and what occupies her is life itself. But if you say something like
"we are a student and champion of man and womankind. Babies, too. We weep when
there is war, we dance when there is peace and we are occupied with making all
these things poetic and harmonius--or not-- through the miracle media of ink,
graphite, white linen, water colour, Holy Writ and the occasional Negro
Spiritual. We pray, we sketch, we meditate, we sing, we replenish, we moan, we
bear down, we bring forth. We occupy ourselves with creation so that others may
be edified."

you will be put out and the piece of paper upon which your online health insurance data has been downloaded will be shredded without ceremony or afterthought. So, instead, when the lady asked "occupation", I said

figuring that my adding the "-te" might pushing the envelope a tad.

Bopped on over to Brussels for my bday -- yay!-- to see my grrrl Corinne Bailey Rae in Feb. Aside from the super short time we were there, it was great being somewhere else, even if it was just for a moment.

She is a powerhouse, in her lil easter dress. I so appreciated going to a concert that didn't make me feel like I needed to pray all the way there and all the way home just because of all the potty mouth and potty songwriting. Don't let the press and curl fool you: this chick can blow! She can sing her heart out all the while encouraging yours. Girfriend not only put her records on, she had the nerve to sing her some Jimi Hendrix! Just wonderful.

And if you've never traveled this way, I'd recommend it. It's kind of fun, being in a whole other place where you've never been while jamming to the grooves of new artists that you love or would like to know better.

And there is nothing like live music!

Only thing: I wouldn't recommend good Christian folk to go to the land of beer and chocolate during Lent. You'll only break your heart. (Got places over there, make Willy Wonka's factory look like a crackhouse.)

Well, of course, there's more, but that's all for now.

Stay Peaceful.

Happy Women's History Month!!
