Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Hey Mamasitas y los Papi Chulos,

Hope all is well on this 9/11 Day of Rememberance.

Wow. This is such a beautiful time of the year, but so much war talk and so much loss!

I almost can't believe Pavarotti is gone. But he was more than opera. He was all about music, no matter the genre. Peep these links if you think I lie. He was a baaad brother! Thank goodness for his legacy of excellence and passion.

In other news, this just in ...

from the up and coming writing genius of my most excellent pal Anthony--

... please tune in/TiVO/record/watch [and then email the producers and tell them how much you enjoyed]

[His] first written episode of the 2nd season airs [2 nite!!] Tuesday, September 11th at 8pm. Or 7pm if you're in the Central Time zone. Please check your tv guide or cable scroll for the ABC Family channel in your area. The episode is
entitled "The Peacemaker".

And don't we need some peace right about now! Peace upon Israel... Peace upon Jerusalem... Peace upon Louisiana... Peace upon Darfur and all of Africa... Peace upon Mississippi... Peace upon Pakistan... Peace upon Haiti... Peace upon India... Peace in the Middle East... Peace in the Northeast...Peace in the Midwest... Peace on Broadway, Bollywood and Hollywood, Father God... Let's have more peace-writers and peace-actors and peace-agents and, good God, peace-producers...Peace be upon these United States, O God... Let us be united in a heartfelt desire for peace... Peace for the women & for the men, Lord... Peace upon the elder and the babies, Father... Peace for our present and our future... Peace for where you live, dear reader...

Not just the absence of war, but real & lasting peace is what I pray for on this day.

And if on 9/11 you lost a loved one, friend, co-worker, neighbor or even a classmate from back in the day, your DivaCardista and the blessedstar cards family wishes you peace and God's comfort this day.


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