Thursday, April 24, 2008


Been poked and stoked, plucked and stuck, mashed and humbled since last we spoke and yet I am so amazed by each new day and the miracles that I see each moment I live.

And how have you been?

Taxes are done, bills are getting paid and hope is springing up. Thank you Jesus for unmerited favor.

Looking forward to new health strategy that involves less of a stoner lifestyle and funny looks from the "extraordinary miracle" folk at my local CVS pharmacy. And complete divine head2toe healing.

In delightful process of re-imagining the already sweet so that you get more of the joylovefaith&flavor of your DivaCardista and the growing vision of this happy company-o-mine.

Finna break out to Cali to celebrate my genius Godbro and his being awarded a well earned EdD while bouncing my pals twins upon my knee as I will assuredly be astounded by the new miracles that they have become since meeting them in January...

Poetry is springing up in your DivaCardista. In lovely ways. In empowering ways. And I will be sharing more of this with you very soon.

These are bloody tough times. These are beautiful days, bursting with possibiliy. These are times of swift, often frightful, transition.

And yet...

I hope and pray you are finding your miracles today. Miracles that drive your toward the Divine within you, so that you, too, may access fresh new vision and hope. Come what may.

Stay encouraged.

Fresh New Blessings,
Mother's Day is 5/11
Make it special with a
blessedstar card or gift!