Monday, December 08, 2008

Andy Williams and Me

Now, if anyone had even suggested that, come December, your delightfully afrocentric DivaCardista would have a thing for Andy Williams Christmas music, I'd've said you were absolutely mad. But, I tell you, something about that man singing about Santa "coming down the chimney, down..." that makes my heart do a wee flip! (Not to mention my mind...)

OK. Since last we spoke, Obama got elected, Palin paled in comparison to Biden, Hil [& Bill] were invited back to the dance and snow has fallen on my fair city. Lots to mull & ponder...

Currently looking for jobby-job to keep the wolf from the door. Last I looked he was about three blocks down...

Just took a test to become a MC--Mistress of the Census. If you are looking for a[nother] revenue stream, contact the Census folk. They need a bunch of people...

Gotta get my stuff from the laundry. Gotta write copy for blessedstar card sale ending 12/17. If you want more detail, send me your USPS and I'll send you the data (if I don't Constant Comment you first...)

Stay well. Stay warm. Stay in touch!!

Happy Holidays!

New Blessings,