Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Gucci Gums

Ok. So maybe the goal of "daily-ish" has lost its lustre for this temporarily dentally daunted yet ever divine Diva. (But I figured I'd better write something before Dick Clarke began his mike check, if ya know what i mean...)

Last we spoke it was all about one of the results of making my nuveau trustifarian lifestyle hold true to the goal annual philanthropy. Now? Due to several decades of lackadasical encounters with dental floss & hard living on the run, it's all about learning to love oatmeal, bananas & tylenol anew. Oy.

Imagine my shock turned acceptance after waking up at 4am on Friday (Hello December!) with a mouth full of blood (think: Black Dahlia poster), which required an immediate 9am revisit a mi dentista, who was more than willing to remedy my situation begun a mere 24hrs prior with several more whipstitches, from back to front and tied with what looks/tastes like about four more tiny black bows along my gumline.

What did I do during those five hours between discovering my erstwhile dryer-fresh pink satin pillowcase smeared with my own personal hemoglobin & gurling my concern to the dental tech/office workers over the phone at 8:57am that morning? Worked on [what turned out to be smudged & unsaleworthy] cards till i fell back asleep, of course.

But as soon as I got the word, there was your fashion forward though bleary eyed DivaCardista in a lovingly slept in black t-shirt and soft fuzzy pink patterned anti-sweat pants in which she works & sleeps & imagines lands unknown plus a black hat, boots & coat back on the train with a gentle crush of upscale nine-to-five-then-drinks folk.
"Too much. Too many people, too much. Huh huh huh huh."

Not to mention that I was to be on a bus to a spiritual retreat with a bunch of Jesus loving folk who were not so spiritual as to allow late comers to hijack their 12noon ETD. So duly suctioned and stitched, I got back to my boro, changed into "going to a spiritual retreat" clothes, took a cab to the bus, and off we went.

On time & eggggzausted. But I did get "rest for my soul".

(Big up to my bible quotin'/soup totin' roomate who took care of me when i cdnt.)

So now its me & Sassy "above the blue and windy sea", working out the best way to get back to the passion of life.


  • more integrated card sale related data here for you unique & beautiful people...
  • poetry as it
  • feelings stirred by "trigger happy polices"
  • ma
  • body & soul
  • da holidays (but of course)


  • war & peace

"Are you pretending/ it looks like the ending?" Sassy asks.

Let's hope not. Sheesh. Enough.

Let's make with the eggnog & The HoneyMooners Marathon already.

Hope it's been peaceful where you are.

Holiday Blessings,

PS: You need a fabulous holiday card? Check

Mention code DivaC & get a FREE card with any three holiday cards purchased. Ho ho ho!!!