Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sectional Healing

it is well after one in the morning and i [have the nerve to have] just got[ten] back from the store. the combination of shingles, insomnia and a searching spirit can be a heady cocktail.

have you ever had shingles? it is a trip and a half. thank goodness it is well on its way out. i'm looking forward to not being subject to fits of powerful exfoliation followed immediately by the need for some format of blue star ointment and a good nap. sheesh! (yes, this is yet another gift from your friend and mine, Mr. Steroid.)

welcome to fall! i am excited for this change of season. i hope you are too. in spite of the nausea-inducing market news and money being too tight to mention, i still hope you and yours can find new strategies for living and loving in this new yet challenging season.

and in the midst of this time of fiscal snugness, i still want the three c's: a new computer, this fantastic coat i just discovered at a local discounter and a leather couch that converts into the world's most comfortable sofa bed.

i'm really feeling the designs at ikea. second? jennifer convertible followed closely by la-z-boy. if you have any recommendations--aside from the traditional wisdom of "never buy[ing] an ugly couch, even if it is on sale"--i'm more than willing to listen.

in closing,

go see title of show: it is an interesting and entertaining Broadway show that deserves a longer run...

keep me in your prayers: your DivaCardista is doing all she can to look and feel more like Halle than Fred Berry, but, as stated earlier, these are challenging days for us all...

rock the vote: yeah, i'm sick of the whole dragged out affair as well, but let's not grow weary in well doing. vote.

and stay well.

New Blessings for a New Season,

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