Sunday, July 27, 2008

Smoked Pleasant Sausage

It is Sunday evening and, while I am so full I can hardly breathe after my FabSuperSoupSupperToThe Extreme, I still want a cookie. Somebody help me.

Perhaps it's because I've become a maraca from all my doctors "filling me up with alla these pills" that seem to have stoked all kinds of latent food cravings that I've managed to keep at bay since the eighties. Perhaps I am simply insatiable, but I have found great joy in my salt/sugar free universe of late: lots & lots of fresh broccoli, corn, red cabbage, black beans, lentils, split peas, polenta, blueberries, oranges, homemade applesauce, lasagne with spinach, cinnamon/all spice oatmeal, chicken/turkey, whole grain pizza with mozzarella [kosher for passover], egg noodles and longhorn cheese, whipped fat free cream cheese on a whole wheat can i say? Your DivaCardista likes her cheese, especially at the nexus/axis where it meets some kind of pasta or whole grain bread. And if you boost that with the lycopene of a well-tended tomato, I'll be happy as a clam-named-Sam.

Good news is I've redoubled my effort and committment to going to the gym. Five times last week. (I am so determined to come off this insulin...not to mention these @*$^! steroids...) I just have to restrict this whole gotta-have-a-sugar-free-something-in-my-mouth thing to the weekend. Or at least special occasions, like maybe tomorrow when my girl, The Bronx Bohemian, and I plan to see the waterfalls.

Ah me: I've got a musical play on deck for the singles ministry retreat in September, two books to complete and a website to update. Aside from the every so often feeling that I've been hit in the face/chest with a bag of full nickles and really fat, sausage-like feet, life is very full and very good. The writing has proved to be life saving and has indeed been helping me to reclaim my righteous [writers] mind. Who knew how scrambly, dusty and dormant that part of my brain had been (or for how long?) Thank God for new beginnings.

Oh yes: please go see "Meet Dave". It really is an entertaining family film. (How many times can you actually say that?) And if you like Eddie Murphy even a little bit, you will be glad that you went, unlike, say, my personal experiences with the overlong "Get Smart" and the somewhat creaky "Indiana Jones". Yes, I was surprised at how well the film held together and held my attention. And I really enjoyed it, to boot.

Donnie McLurkin preached his heart out today. And am I glad. Did my soul good. I hope your pastor/preacher blessed your soul real good as well.

Here's hoping you've had a grand and lovely weekend and shall have a happy & healthy week to come.

New Blessings,

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